One common reason for worry in cat owners is their kitty growing plumper by the day. However, losing weight can be concerning too.
Watching your cat’s weight is essential to ensure its health and well-being. Any deviation from the ideal weight for its age, gender, and breed should be corrected early to avoid grave health risks.
To achieve this goal, you should offer your kitty top-quality, species-specific food and help it adopt an active lifestyle by providing it with an enriching environment and interactive toys.
Pay attention to the number of calories getting into your cat’s body; however, be attentive to your cat losing weight abruptly.
If your furry baby is not on a weight loss diet and still losing weight quickly, then there is a high chance of your feline suffering from a medical condition.
The best pet insurance covers a furball’s medical care for broader-ranging medical issues and emergencies. It is costlier than other cheaper cat insurance policies because of the comprehensive health coverage it offers.
Contemplate purchasing a policy, so you are more prepared to handle unplanned vet bills. In the meantime, read this article to learn some reasons why cats suddenly lose weight.
Why shouldn’t you ignore unexplained weight loss?
Regardless of your furry pet’s age and dietary habits, if you notice it losing weight, then have your pet examined by the vet asap. Weight loss is often a sign of an underlying medical concern that requires attention. Meet your vet to know how much weight loss is too much for your cat and what to do about it.
Some common medical conditions leading to unexplained weight loss in cats are –
In this case, your cat may get thinner by the day and exhibit other symptoms like significant appetite changes, drinking more water and urinating more than usual, having a foul odor in the mouth, and behaving sluggish.
Don’t fret; instead, seek your vet’s advice because feline diabetes can be manageable with a proper lifestyle and dietary modifications. However, sometimes medications may be necessary to treat the insulin disorder.
If your kitty cat is eating normally or more than usual and is still growing thin, then it might be suffering from a hormonal disorder. It could be hyperthyroidism; check for the below signs for more clues related to the issue.
Increased thirst, urge for urination, vomits, and diarrhea are typically red flags. Sometimes, this health issue can lead to heart ailments and even death in severe cases. Contact your vet for confirmation of the problem should you notice any symptoms while your cat loses weight.
3.Dental complaints
Toothaches and other dental and oral issues can cause extreme pain and discomfort while chewing food. In a case like this, a cat may hardly want to eat food and eventually lose some kgs due to undernutrition.
This is precisely why you should monitor your cat’s teeth and gums regularly. A daily teeth cleaning routine will help spot problems earlier and counter disease progression. If your cat constantly paws at its mouth or drools, it may have some issues in that area.
Gastrointestinal problems and intestinal parasites are other common causes of abrupt weight loss in cats. When unsure, it is best to have your munchkin examined by the vet to know the reasons for its sudden slimming.
Consider being prepared with cat insurance so you can manage unexpected vet costs more effectively. The best pet insurance covers a furball’s health better than the basic pet insurance policies available. Contemplate buying a policy if you haven’t signed up already.