What happens if you try to sell Gamestop a fake game? It’s actually very easy to fool the associates at the store. The problem is that associates can spot fake games in 95% of cases, but the good ones may be able to get through. Some of the most common fakes are retro games that are traded-in for a gift card. Fortunately, NES cartridge labels can be spotted easily.
There’s no need to worry though, as GameStop has a good return policy. If a game is fake, or isn’t working, it can still be returned for a full refund. The company will investigate whether the item is a fake and determine how to handle it. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what’s best for you, the biography.
First of all, you must be familiar with GameStop’s policies. The company only accepts certain games for certain systems. Some games are less sought after than others. Another important detail is the condition of the cartridges. If you don’t know the exact condition of the game, don’t bother to send it. GameStop will send it to its headquarters and post it on its website later. During this time, you should check the packaging and if there are any rips or missing parts.
Another common question posed by a gamer is whether the store will refund or credit you for a new game. GameStop has a policy that allows customers to return their purchases, but this doesn’t apply to games that are already in the store. Whether or not GameStop will refund your money is entirely up to you. But you must also keep in mind the fact that GameStop will not refund you for a fake game, so if you’re uncertain, try renting a game instead of buying it.