We should ask ourselves, What does the U.S. education system lack? Why is it failing to produce graduates who are productive in the real world? We can answer this question by looking at the results of standardized tests. Approximately 40% of graduating seniors in the United States do not have the skills to do well in math and reading. That is a significant shortfall. And it also decreases the funding for secondary education.
One of the major reasons why learning disabilities are a problem is the way government teaches. Currently, students with different needs and abilities are grouped into one classroom and given the same education. The result is that students who are brighter are often forced to slow down. This concept of “one size fits all” education is ridiculous and debilitating. It only serves to make students who have different needs fail in school.
The U.S. educational system is incredibly unequal. Inequal funding for schools means students of different socioeconomic status are not provided with the same opportunities to succeed. Inequality in education is the most significant social injustice in the industrialized world, yet very few Americans realize it. Many students in the United States receive a lower quality of education than their peers in European and Asian countries. The richest ten percent of the population spends more per pupil than the poorest ten percent. In some states, the ratio is three times higher.
In addition, the U.S. education system has not been held accountable for preparing students for financial stability. Even though employers are increasingly relying on the traditional four-year degree to fill vacancies, the education system is not doing its part. As a result, nearly fifteen million people are unemployed. These statistics should give us all pause to wonder: What does the U.S. education system lack?