Many women may wonder what clothes men like on women. While some styles look better with heels, some do not. The key is to strike the right balance between class and comfort. Whether you’re looking for a romantic partner or a good friend, here are some styles that men like on women. Men like women who are confident and embrace their sizes and shapes. Read on to learn how to dress for a guy!
Despite their sex-specific preferences, men generally like women who show off their body. Women who wear shorts with long legs will attract many men. This is because they remind men of sex, and men are intrigued by mystery. Covering sensitive parts can also be attractive to men. If you want a guy to be interested in you, consider buying clothes that show off your best assets. You’ll be surprised at the results.
In terms of comfort, jeans are the clear winner. Men also preferred chinos over skirts. Similarly, men preferred cropped t-shirts over chinos. In terms of style, chinos and jeans are a foolproof anchor for the blazer-trouser combo. However, a v-neck T-shirt gained a bad rep in the first decade of the century when reality TV stars wore them. Classic versions clawed their way back into acceptable territory, but the connotations lingered. Only 11 per cent of women listed crew-neck T-shirts as a desirable item. Conversely, short skirts and sweatshirts were also popular.
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High-waisted jeans are another hot trend. These should be worn with high heels. A crop top that shows a flash of the stomach is also attractive. Men generally prefer to shop for clothing in stores that sell well-known brands. You can also opt to buy them online or through a discount store. For both types, it’s a good idea to shop for clothing that will appeal to both sexes.