In addition to human health, global warming threatens ecosystems. Rising sea levels are already destroying coastal wetlands such as mangrove swamps and salt marshes. The change also threatens rare habitats that host specialized species. For example, amphibians that live exclusively in tropical cloud forests are now extinct or facing severe extinction because their habitats are disappearing. As the planet warms, optimal condensation levels move higher in the atmosphere.
Many species are adapted to particular climate zones and habitat conditions. However, global warming will change these patterns on a much smaller timescale, affecting the ecosystems of plants and animals. Many animal species have adapted to specific seasonal climate patterns, and sudden climatic changes could challenge the natural adaptations of many species. Therefore, it is imperative to address global warming’s environmental impacts and take actions now to minimize its effects.
Climate change is already affecting people everywhere. The rising temperatures of our oceans will lead to severe storms and coral bleaching. Additionally, ocean acidity will threaten shellfish and tiny crustaceans, which are crucial in the marine food chain. Climate change will be particularly severe in the poorest nations. In particular, coastal areas in Asia and the Pacific will be hit hardest. There are already plans to relocate coastal communities due to rising sea levels.