You’ve arrived at the “pep” lecture. Peptides are proteins that are beneficial to the skin and should be included in the routines of everyone who takes care of their appearance. We have sought the assistance of two professionals in the field of skincare, and they have been nice enough to strip away all of the complex language so that we can truly comprehend what peptides are, how they function, and why they are so beneficial for your face. Put on your seatbelts and get the pom-poms ready.
What Exactly Are Peptides, and How Do They Function?
First, let’s conduct a quick review on the structural components that make up our skin, and then we’ll go on to discussing what peptides are. The three basic components that make up skin are water, fat, and proteins (which are built from amino acids that are arranged into long chains). Proteins such as collagen, keratin, and elastin are surely familiar to you. Each of these proteins contributes to the preservation of the structural integrity of our skin.
These amino acid protein chains are unfortunately susceptible to degradation at the hands of ultraviolet radiation, environmental contaminants, stress, and aging. This leads to the development of wrinkles, a loss of elasticity and firmness, a dulling of the complexion, and thinner skin. Peptides that are applied topically come into play at this point.
“A peptide is a piece of protein that is made up of only a few amino acids that are linked together,” According to Elina Fedotova, an award-winning makeup chemist, celebrity esthetician, and founding member of her own line of skincare products, “They have the capability to penetrate through the skin barrier and deep into the live skin cells, and signal your cells to recharge collagen and other proteins.” [Citation needed] “They have the ability to signal your cells to regenerate collagen and other proteins,” says Fedotova.
Think of peptides as little managers equipped with walkie-talkies who are communicating directly with the cells of your skin to tell them to multiply, mend, and renew themselves. According to Fedotova, “They absolutely contribute anti-aging effects, intensely moisturising capabilities, and skin-restoring properties to any skincare composition.”
Peptides: Should You Even Be Using Them?
Peptides may repair damage that has been done to the skin, making them an excellent choice for anybody who is concerned about the effects of aging.
According to Dr. Estee Williams, a board-certified dermatologist and professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, “Peptides fall into the same category as growth factors,” which are molecules that we know turn on collagen production in the cell. “Peptides fall into the same category as growth factors.” “Because of their focus on increasing collagen production, they are designed for individuals over the age of 35—the age at which the signs of aging become most noticeable.”
Peptides are perhaps one of the most significant components for this group of people due to the fact that they may help firm, moisturise, and rejuvenate the skin. The aforementioned reasons support this contention. In spite of this, those younger than 35 may still find peptides to be of great benefit. Direct Peptides (
“Even younger individuals can benefit from peptides if they have unsightly dark spots as a consequence of sun exposure, or if they have acne scars,” explains Fedotova. “This is especially true if the brown spots are caused by acne.” Peptides have the capacity to speed up the process of their skin’s mending and rebuilding itself, which is a great benefit.
Overuse is not likely to occur with the use of peptides because they are not an exfoliating component like AHAs, BHAs, or retinol. If you want to, you may make everyday use of them, as is the case with a lot of other individuals. At the very least on a weekly basis, Fedotova suggests applying a product that contains peptides in its formulation.
What you need to know:
When going shopping, it is a good idea to do some research to make sure that the claims made by the products have some kind of scientific basis. As is the case with every type of skincare product, there are certain formulas that are inferior.
Dr. William makes the following observation: “Since the majority of skin ageing takes place in the dermis, which is immediately below the epidermis and where fibroblasts generate collagen, it would be important for a peptide product to demonstrate that it can penetrate and reach the dermis.”
Additionally, we want to emphasise that peptides are not a substitute for other components of your skincare routine that are vital, such as retinol or sunscreen.
In the words of Dr. Williams, “an optimised ‘anti-aging’ skincare routine for an adult patient with normal skin contains the following products in the order of importance: a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher; a moisturiser with ceramides, glycerin, or dimethicone more towards the top of the list; a topical retinoid manufacturer at night (applied first); and an anti – oxidant serum in the morning (applied first).” “These are the foundational steps of an anti-aging skincare routine, which are based on the components that have the greatest body of research to back up their application.”