Felt like a weight was on my chest? It’s the sound of falling apart. I’d been standing for hours, and now this tangible sensation had left me feeling unstable. Things weren’t moving any faster than I would like. The worst part was, nothing about this trip seemed to be working out for me. I had managed to make it through a couple of meetings with some great vendors but other than that, it was all gone. It felt as if there was nothing left to accomplish at work. The last thing I wanted to do was end up at home feeling like an empty nest egg. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways that you can make the most of your day-to-day routine and make it more interesting than average.
Plan Your Day The night before
I was going to bed that night without a plan. I guess that’s normal, right? Well, not for me. Before I even knew what time it was, I was in the middle of a meeting with a client. All I wanted to do was sleep. When I heard the doorbell ring, I instantly jumped to attention. Instead of looking in the direction of the door, I was focused solely on trying to identify the visitor. It was a man. Long black hair, dark eyes, and a build that could have handled anything. When I recognized him, I jumped in the air, about to say hello to him when he came inside. “Well, hello there,” he said, “How’s it going?” I froze. “What are you doing here?” “Making some comments.” “About what?” “That ‘it’ thing.” “What thing?” “The ‘thing’ is that I’m here,” he said, “And you’re just staring at me like you’re trying to eat me.” “What is that thing you’re talking about?” “You’re just looking at me and thinking, ‘Is this what I want to do for a living?’” “No, no, no, no, no. That thing you have going on is not what I want.” “When’s the last time you talked to a client, kiddo?” “I don’t know.” “That thing you have going on is not what you want to do for a living.” “I need to work out what I want to do for a living.” “You don’t. You need to work it out.” “I don’t know what to do.” “You need to know what you want to do for a living.” “I don’t know.” “You need to know what you want to do for a living.” “I don’t know.”
Ditch the TV
I was on the way to bed when I heard my husband scream from the other side of the door. I turned to see him on the floor, his head in his hands, his face ashen. “My . . . my computer . . . my . . .” he sputtered, “My passwords . . . my work passwords . . .” “What are you talking about?” “I have no access to my computer.” “What does that have to do with anything?” “You can’t take those pictures again, kiddo.” “What pictures?” “You can’t take those pictures without MY permission.” “But I don’t get why you have to take those pictures.” “Because they’re important.” “But they’re not mine.” “You don’t have to take them.” “But I don’t know why you have to take them.” “Because they’re important.”
Get Up and Do Something Different
We were at dinner when his voice startled me. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re a smart kid?” “No, they haven’t.” “Well, show them how smart you are.” “What are you talking about?” “You know how smart you are.” “I don’t know how smart I am.” “You need to know how smart you are.”
Take A Walk
“My day is going to be an interesting one,” he said, “Because I’m going to be doing more than just going to work every day.” I nodded, wondering where this was going. “What about?” “Nothing, kiddo. I just have a feeling that this will be interesting.”
Play Games
“What are you doing?” he asked, “At this point in your life, you should be doing something different.” “I don’t know.” “Well, do something different.” “I don’t know.” “Do something different.” “Don’t you have anything better to do than play those games?” “I don’t know.” “You need to do something different.” “I don’t know.”
Go to the Park
“What are you doing?” he asked, “At this point in your life, you should be doing something different.” “I don’t know.” “Well, do something different.” “I don’t know.”
Try a New Activity
“What are you doing?” he asked, “At this point in your life, you should be doing something different.” “I don’t know.” “Well, do something different.” “I don’t know.”
“You are the average of the three people you spend the most time with.” -Ernest Hemingway It was a little after 6pm one evening when I realized that I didn’t have the energy to handle the day. After a couple of meetings, I was exhausted, and just wanted to take a quick break. It was around this time that I met my significant other, Javier. We were both exhausted, but still wanted to hang out. We later found out that he lived in New York City, and he often spent his evenings in the park. We were both in charge of the schedule, and he kept us on our schedule. For the next few months, we would go to The Parks, check out new activities, and have some downtime together. We even got introduced to a new sport, Powerlifting. The years had finally come to a end, and I was ready for some old time. For the next few months, I would train at my home gym. It was a great way to decompress and unwind.