September 9, 2013 Polywork 13m Series Andreessen Mr. African and his friends had been going to a party for a friend of his for the past few days, but it was getting late and people were starting to leave. So, he asked if he could go home early so he could make some more money. So his friends told him they were going to ask his mom if she would let him stay at her house all night long. They even gave him their car keys! But first he needed to find someone who would let him stay in their house all night long. As it was getting close to midnight, there was no one else around who would be willing to let him stay at their house all night long. So he went home alone and slept for about an hour because he was hungry and thirsty. The next day he got up early and went to get something from the store. When he got back home, everyone had gone home already so he just sat on the front step and drank some water from the faucet of the toilet thinking about what would happen tomorrow morning when everyone else left for work. About an hour later, someone brought in a tray with an orange soda and blueberry pancakes for him to take home with them but not today! Africa said that it might be good practice before he goes into business as usual like most other kids his age do. So Africa went back home again with another orange soda and blueberry pancakes and this time Africa came back with food too! He has become very fond
African and his friends go to Africa
On September 3, 2013, African and his friends went to Africa for a month. They got to Machadodiba, Lourenço Marinho; Porto-Salvador and surrounding areas. They also went to the Kruger National Park and other places in southern Africa. They stayed at hotels around Kruger National Park and in St. John the Evangelist Church in Kruger National Park. They also went on safaris in Kruger National Park and other places in southern Africa. They were able to fund their trip with donations from friends and family.
African finishes school
On September 3, 2013, African finished high school and was going to start work at the end of the year. But as soon as he got home he was taken over by hunger and he couldn’t get enough to eat. So he went to the hospital and they give him a couple of pounds. Then they also give him a food bank card which covers all he needs for the month of October. So he goes to the food bank that they have in St. John the Evangelist Church and takes some money from their food bank card and bought what he needed for the month. Then he goes back home to eat and sleep.
Africans travel around the world
On September 5, 2013, African was able to attend a train trip to New York City. When he got home he tried to get employment on the next train but there was no one to take him to the next stop. So he went to the art gallery where he was originally going to be working and signed a painting for a show. Then he went to a museum to see how other people viewed his work and to get some ideas for how he could go about getting a job. When he got home he was offered a job working as a maintenance man on a cruise ship. So he applied for that too and they said yes. So he applied to work at the same location where he was originally going to be working and was interviewed by the same manager. So they hired him and he works there as a part-time employee.
Africa’s first business venture
On September 6, 2013, African started working as a cashier at an amusement park in Florida. When he was only 16 years old, his family moved to Florida and then to Florida City. At first, he worked in the amusement park cash register and then he went to work working as a cashier at an amusement park. Six months into his job, he met another boy from his high school and they started dating. They married in December of 2014 and have a daughter together. They now run the first ever African-American family amusement park at Universal Orlando in Florida. Amusement parks are kind of like a waiting lounge for future black businesspeople.
What will happen tomorrow?
In the morning, Africa got ready for work. He left his house without saying goodbye to his parents and went to the park where he works as a cashier. As he was going to the park, he passed by a sign for an amusement park and thought about going to that one too. But he didn’t have to go to the whole park or go through the security check. So he just stopped into the park and left again without saying goodbye to his parents. After about an hour or so, he got a call that his job was being take off. So he went to the park to see what was happening and he saw his new manager getting escorted out of the park while his co-workers were still in the park. Then he saw his co-workers all paid off and heading home. There was no way he was going to the park that day. So he just sat there and drank his coffee and waited for the crowds to thin out so he could get inside the park to see if there was a sign for an entrance.
This month was the most amazing ever. The African-American family made it to Africa. They met new people, saw new places and met new people in the process. This was the most amazing year of my life and I will be forever grateful to all of my wonderful friends for giving me this amazing opportunity. So if you are interested in helping support the African-American family in their endeavors, please visit their website and follow their fundraising activities.