Students who dream of pursuing engineering in IITs, NITs and other premier institutes in India must clear the JEE Main and the JEE Advanced exams. In 2022, the JEE exam was held in two sessions. The exams were held in June and July. NTA has published the results of JEE Main session 1 and session 2. JoSAA counselling will be starting soon. Students are advised to keep an eye on the official website regularly so that they won’t miss any important updates Newmags.
The conic section is an important topic which has great importance in the JEE Main exam. Students can expect 2-3 questions from the conic section. Considering the previous years’ question papers, we can see that questions have been asked from hyperbola, ellipse, and circle. The conic section is a topic which some students find difficult. But if learned properly, they can easily score on this topic. The candidates should prepare effectively to crack the JEE exams. In this article, we will discuss the conic section and straight line.
Conic Section
A conic section is a curve which is obtained by the intersection of the surface of a cone with a plane. Hyperbolas, parabolas, ellipses and circles are the types of the conic section. The important formulas are given below. Students are recommended to learn these important formulas thoroughly f95web.
Important Formulas
- The standard equation of a parabola is given by y2 = 4ax.
- Length of latus rectum = 4a
- The standard equation of a hyperbola is given by (x2/a2) – (y2/b2) = 1.
- The eccentricity of parabola, e = 1
- The eccentricity of hyperbola, e > 1
- For ellipses, the eccentricity is less than 1. e < 1. The standard equation is given by (x2/a2) + (y2/b2) = 1.
- For ellipses, the length of the latus rectum is given by 2b2/a wolowtube.
Straight Line
We can call a line with no curves a straight line. The general equation is given by ax + by + c = 0, where a, b, and c are constants, and x and y are variables. Students can definitely expect one question from straight lines for the JEE Main exam. Since it is not a complex topic, they can easily crack the questions from it. They should be thorough with the formulas of the straight line. Revising previous years’ questions will help them to know the difficulty level of the questions asked on this topic. They should also refer to important formulas PDF and short notes available online. The number of mock tests attempted is also another factor which improves the score of a candidate europixhdpro.
Students should keep in mind that cracking the JEE Main and the JEE Advanced is not an easy task. Proper planning, long-time preparation, and hard work are essential to landing an IIT seat. Since a huge number of students appear for the JEE exams, the competition is also very high. Previous years’ question paper solutions, JEE revision notes PDFs, and mock tests are available online. Log on to BYJU’S to download formula PDFs, chapter-wise questions, and JEE revision notes, and thus boost the preparation for the JEE Main and the JEE Advanced exams.