Depending on the state, there are between 200 and 500 law firms. The number of attorneys in the United States is estimated to increase by 0.3% per year on average over the last five years. However, this number does not account for the number of non-resident and inactive attorneys. The Avery Index, which uses the 2000 Census population data and the 2007 Martindale-Hubble attorney listings, does take this into account.
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The AmLaw 200 ranks the top 200 law firms in the United States by their total revenue. The law firm ranks second in annual revenue and has offices in 14 countries. Its practice areas include corporate finance, intellectual property, employment, government affairs, and regulatory and government affairs. A law firm that specializes in one area is not likely to specialize in another. The other area of law firm diversity is in the practice of litigation.
There are currently 15235 unique law firms in the U.S., according to the American Bar Association’s 2020 ABA Profile of the Legal Profession. While these numbers do not represent official statistics, they are based on a database of 94,836 attorneys. The numbers also depend on whether a single-person firm or solo practitioner is counted as a law firm. If one does not know the number of attorneys, they can’t be certain that there are not enough lawyers in the country.
The Chambers USA guide lists the top law firms and lawyers in each state. The rankings also highlight key states with expert practitioners. This guide also provides insights on the future of global firms. For a more detailed analysis of the Law Firms industry, download the Chambers USA Guide. You’ll be glad you did. The next time you need legal services, consider the rankings from the Chambers USA guide.