In the past, families would gather around a television set to watch shows or listen to music. They would also gather around a fireplace for stories. But as technology has improved, people have changed how they consume information. While we used to gather around a fireplace for stories and a family gathering to watch TV, one of the most drastic changes has been the way we get the news. Whether we want to learn about the latest events in our community, or keep up with what is happening in the world, technology has changed how we receive information.
Artificial intelligence (AI)
As the world becomes more connected, more people are using information technology to stay informed and keep up with the news. The novel coronavirus outbreak in Australia is the latest example of how IT News can inform people and keep them safe. The illness has made people quarantined in their homes, only leaving for work, medical attention, and essential items. This situation has made our daily lives much more difficult, and information technology plays an important role in maintaining our normal lives.
The use of artificial intelligence in journalism can assist in the creation of content, but cannot replace human journalists. Reuters, for instance, developed a tool that can analyze data and make news stories, called Lynx Insight. Magazines are beginning to embrace AI for data journalism and are exploring new ways to use it in their publications.
Here are some of the benefits of using artificial intelligence in news reporting. Let’s look at how this technology can help journalists make better use of their time.
Although the public sphere of today is predominantly English-speaking, white, and Caucasian, we are increasingly connected to the rest of the world by technology. One recent example is the uprisings in Egypt, where Westerners saw live updates of the events occurring in Tahrir Square. Information technology plays a central role in maintaining a normal life for the people who live there.
Cost savings
The advent of information technology has transformed our daily lives. In the past several decades, the cost of powerful computers has fallen to a manageable level. Today’s personal computers can perform the same tasks as workstations from five years ago. The growing availability of information technology products has also contributed to the widespread assimilation of computers into modern society. Today, complex applications take advantage of computer power and capabilities, and information technology is being applied to every aspect of modern life – from product development and distribution to new financial services.
While the ideal of neutrality may still inform journalistic practices and self-understanding, there are growing doubts about its authenticity as a foundational value of the news industry. The rise of national conservative parties, for example, have raised questions about the journalistic values of objectivity and fairness. While the ideal of impartiality may be an ideal worth upholding, it is not enough to simply present the facts. Impartial reporting must be based on facts, not opinions.
With the proliferation of news media and the proliferation of a wide variety of views, achieving greater impartiality is no longer a realistic goal. Traditional approaches to impartiality are also questioned, as they try to present the opposing viewpoints in the same publication or broadcast. These advocates argue that impartiality has given prominence to extreme viewpoints and has legitimised a range of views, from climate change deniers to anti-vaxxers.
This debate highlights the role of journalists in the media. In many countries, media outlets have a history of being politically aligned. While broadcast news in the UK has claimed to be politically neutral, a growing percentage of journalists in the United States has disassociated themselves from the news and have adopted more partisan forms of reporting. This shift in the media has prompted a rise in partisan forms of journalism, such as talk radio and online news magazines.
Distrust of media is a symptom of increasing political and ideological contestation among western societies. Distrust in the media is associated with distrust of journalists who are too close to a political party or are acting as instruments of special interests. But even with this distrust, many people still maintain that media organisations have the independence to reflect divergent views. This is a clear indicator of societal distrust, and should lead to further study.
In addition to broadcasters, journalists are the ones who determine the content and impartiality of news. A BBC journalist, for example, is likely to be highly educated and thoughtful, but is unlikely to be as unbiased as an unbiased majority. The jury theorem, developed by Nicolas de Condorcet, asserts that a jury of marginally competent individuals has a higher probability of being right than a solitary expert.