Post-secondary education has many benefits, including higher wages and lower unemployment. However, the number of college graduates hasn’t kept up with the demand for highly skilled workers. This relative shortage has hindered firms from meeting demand, expanding their operations, and enhancing productivity. To solve this problem, higher education levels are necessary to increase job opportunities. Learn how to maximize the benefits of higher education. It might surprise you to learn that education is an important component of a successful career.
The Annual Population Survey shows that the employment rate for people without higher education is just 47 percent. But for those with higher education levels, that rate jumps to 72 percent, 83 percent, and 87 percent. This shows that higher education leads to greater knowledge in specific fields. This knowledge can help employers determine your qualifications. If you’re interested in a career related to your college major, consider going back to school and earning a degree.
High-skilled workers have a greater chance of finding a suitable job. Although they earn more than those with less education, highly skilled workers also have higher employment opportunities. In addition to this, highly educated workers are often formal employees. This makes it more likely for them to earn more money and work longer hours. Compared to workers without higher education, they are more likely to be unemployed or be working for low-wage jobs.
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