Getting your own Vevo Channel may be an ideal way to boost your popularity and gain more exposure. However, you may be wondering how to go about doing this. While it is important to submit your work to the right label, this does not guarantee success. Instead, submitting your music to a content partner can give you a better chance at success. Vevo content partners will help you distribute your videos through Vevo or to other independent distributors.
The first step in getting your own Vevo channel is to sign up for Vydia. If you don’t have a record label, you can still get your own channel. Make sure to create an engaging profile with interesting information about your music. If you’re unsure about the process, contact a music distribution company for help. Creating an engaging profile is an essential step in getting your music on VEVO.
After completing all of the requirements for creating a channel, you can start creating your music videos. These videos should be high-quality and professional. Additionally, they should have a high follower count. The most popular artists are already on the VEVO platform. A professional music video is a must for an artist to get their own channel. If you have a personal YouTube channel, you can link your Vevo channel to it.
If you have produced your own music, you can upload it to Gemtracks and monetize it on other platforms. However, you should make sure to sign up with an affiliate music distribution company. There are many such companies. Additionally, VEVO does not allow unsigned artists to sign up directly. Besides, it is not uncommon for artists to sign up through these companies. You may also want to consider signing with a music distributor like Ditto Music, as they are official partners for Vevo.
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