The CGPSC has released the syllabus for the State Service Exam 2022. You should go through the syllabus in order to know how to prepare efficiently for the exam and secure qualifying marks. We have provided the link below to download the CGPSC Syllabus 2022. Read it carefully, and you’ll find out the key topics and how to answer the questions. After you’ve finished studying the syllabus, you can plan your strategy and start solving doubts.
Besides the exam pattern, the CGPSC Syllabus for Medical Specialist 2022 can help you prepare well for the exam. By knowing the topics of each section, you’ll have a better chance of surviving in the exam. You can also refer to CGPSC’s previous papers to gain a deeper understanding of the topics on the syllabus. And you’ll find that the exam is objective type, which means you’ll get to answer questions on General Knowledge and other Subjects. In addition, the examination period is three hours.
The CGPSC syllabus for civil judge is based on three stages. Your total score in the written test, the Mains Examination, and the Viva Voce will decide your final selection. Candidates with more marks in the written test are eligible to appear for Viva Voce, which is worth 15 points. If you qualify the written exam and the mains, you’ll be placed in the merit list.